La raffinata cucina dello chef D’Amico è caratterizzata da una spiccata fantasia creativa, un’attenzione scrupolosa nella scelta degli ingredienti e la capacità di valorizzare al meglio i pregiati prodotti gastronomici. Un piatto sfizioso e semplice da preparare, ricco di aromi che esaltano il sapore e conferiscono una nota  acidula al dolce del tonno ricoperto di miele e dei cilindri di gamberi e barbabietole. 
scheda chef

Chef Ciro D’Amico enjoys constantly learning the latest techniques and ideas in the culinary world and is often busy following training courses both in Italy and abroad often with renowned masters such as Diego Crosara, Tacchella Fabio and Federico Coria. His desire to learn and share with others led him to participate in several important culinary competitions in Italy, in Stuttgart, in the Olympics in Erfurt Kitchen. He and his team have won major awards in all of these competitions. In 2004 he worked at the Badrutt’s Palace in St. Moritz alongside the talented chef Enrico Derflingher. For a few important charity occasions he cooked together with master chef Gualtiero Marchesi and the renowned chef Heinz Beck. He is currently the executive chef of Four Ways, at the Borgobrufa Spa Resort in Puglia.

INGREDIENTS FOR THE BASE: 400 g fresh tuna FOR ROLLS: 8 Red prawns of Porto Santo Spirito 100 gr Red beets Salt Extra virgin olive oil FOR SHRIMP CRUMBLE:  100g Carapace prawns  20g butter  20 grams Flour FOR THE YOGURT SAUCE:  50 g low fat plain yogurt  30 gr Fresh cream  Salt

Preparation difficulty: average
Preparation time: 1 hour
Cooking time: a few minutes for the tuna, 7 minutes for the rolls, 4 hours for the shrimp scraps + 30 minutes to dry them in the oven.


Portion tuna in order to obtain slices with a diameter of 3cm. Sear in a pan until cooked only on the outside, leaving the center almost raw. Brush the tops of the tuna slices with honey and sprinkle with chia seeds.

Blend the shrimp with the beet and form small rolls by using fairy paper (a paper that can be used for cooking up to temperatures of 160 ° without causing any damage to the food). Cook in a steam oven at 82 ° for 7 minutes. Cool immediately in ice water or in a scrubber.

After having shelled the shrimps, put the scraps (except the head) to dry in the oven at 80 ° for 4 hours. Then mix them and add butter and flour. Cook in the oven at 140 ° for 30 minutes. Once cooked crumble using hands.

Finally, add the ingredients to make the yogurt sauce.


Use a dish with a 33cm diameter and use shoots and herbs for garnishing.

Chef Ciro D’Amico


Cucine d'Italia consiglia