Touches of Sculptural Sophistication with Pinto by Miniforms

A collection designed by Skrivio that is inspired by the world of painting and its gesturality, encapsulates the monomaterial and strongly sculptural collection of cement furnishings made up of small tables of Pinto by miniforms.

Expressed in three styles and two sizes, Pinto carries with it the idea of travel: under a mighty surface, fragments of marble and stone lurk beneath a soft, mighty surface, condensing the playfullness of Venetian festivals with the mystery of primitive forms.

Miniforms’ Pinto Cement Furnishings

The rigidity of cement thus appears soft and malleable, giving elegance to the industrial feel while maintaining the characteristics of the material unchanged: durable and contemporary, not afraid of any weather conditions, suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments.

Following extensive testing in search of the perfect blend and the ideal mold, the unreinforced cement that makes up Pinto turns out to be the perfect complementary material: hollowing out the material until it becomes organic, combined with a textural yet extremely smooth surface.


Touches of Sculptural Sophistication with Pinto by Miniforms

Cucine d'Italia consiglia