An important recognition for Monteverro Honey – the product of the crown winery in Capalbio, the result of its sustainable philosophy and the work done in the vineyard in favor of biodiversity with the collaboration of Sotto al Poggio.
The Collaboration of Monteverro and Sotto al Poggio
Not only wine awards Monteverro, a small wine oasis with an organic soul, gently nestled on the Costa d’Argento, between Capalbio and the sea, also manages to win awards with its honey Miele millefiori, a project started in 2021, when the winery decided to host among its rows ten beehives cared for by the organic company Sotto al Poggio.
This collaboration seeks to embody the meeting of a territory with the flight of thousands of bees,messengers of life, constantly traveling through the Mediterranean scrub and the sea, intoxicated by the scents and colors of this true and authentic landscape of nature, rendering the scents and a unique image of this strip of Maremma within the product itself.
Capturing a Territory in the Essence of a Wildflower Honey
This is where Monteverro honey comes to life, a millefiori wildflower honey that bears all the flora found in the vineyard and the wild species of the Mediterranean scrub.
“Our bees give us this unique honey, an unfiltered image of the territory, the authentic Maremma,” say those who work at the winery. And it is precisely this authenticity and faithful reinterpretation of the territorythrough flavors and scents that has earned Monteverro honey a Golden Drop in the Grandi Mieli d’Italia 2023 Guide.
“This recognition is the result of an ongoing commitment to sustainability and excellence,” explains the Monteverro team. A commitment that can take shape if supported by partnerships like the one with Sotto al Poggio, led by Loredana Lucentini, who, together with her partner Giovanni, has built her life project around beekeeping.
Distinguishing Monteverro Honey: Miele Millefiori
“The Monteverro honey was honeyed in three different batches, based on the harvest period,” explains Loredana Lucentini. “We chose to send to the competition the one produced between the end of May and the end of June because this period represents the apex of nature’s expressiveness in our area of Maremma, with bright colors, enveloping aromas and the buzzing of bees invading every corner of uncultivated fields, gardens, pastures and grasslands.”
As a result, Monteverro Honey, cared for with passion and dedication by Loredana, was awarded the Golden Drop. “This result is even more significant if we take into account that only six Tuscan honeys were awarded this year, demonstrating the extraordinary quality of our product,” emphasize the winery, proud of their achievement. “Millefiori honey is an authentic snapshot of our territory, its climate and its changes.
It is for these reasons that we are thrilled to have received the Golden Drop for this type of honey. Its uniqueness is due to natural factors that change from year to year, making it unrepeatable. We can’t wait to find out what our bees have in store for us in the years to come.”
The National Honey Observatory – Osservatorio Nazionale Miele – organizes the annual Concorso Tre Gocce d’Oro Grandi Mieli d’Italia – Three Golden Drops Great Honeys of Italy Competition – a prestigious competition that selects the best domestically produced honeys. This event is distinguished by its technical and scientific rigor, the amount of analytical assessments carried out and the use of tools to enhance the value of participating honeys and companies. More than 450 beekeepers and 1100 honeys participated in the competition for this edition, making it even more challenging and competitive.
The honey can be found directly on the website of Monteverro.