The Perfect Business Card

Social media and the constant and intrusive use of cell phones have undoubtedly contributed to transforming the way people get to know each other and exchange information, even in the professional world, to the detriment of traditional business cards, once considered an indispensable form of informational support in many professions. However, it is worthwhile to note that business cards are far from being a relic of the past. If they are well made, that is, essential and simple, without exaggerating in content and form, they remain a tool that is anything but irrelevant in carrying out one’s work. Here is the best way to write them: the professional title precedes the name and surname (never the other way around), followed by the role or work assignment, the name, telephone and address of the company. Traditional fonts and colors are preferred.

Mita Luciani Ranier

Mita Luciani Ranier

The Perfect Business Card

Cucine d'Italia consiglia