Vinitaly 2023

Business, internationalization, and positioning: these are the three guidelines of the upcoming 55th edition of Vinitaly, the International Wine Exhibition staged in Verona from April 2nd to 5th, ready to become the largest ’embassy’ of wine, with more than 4000 companies from all over Italy and more than 30 nations, and a record contingent exceeding 1000 top buyers – 43% more than 2022 – from 68 selected countries, invited and hosted by Veronafiere in collaboration with the Istituto per il Commercio Estero – the agency dedicated to Italy’s foreign commerce and trade.

“It will be a Vinitaly of service and increasingly tailored to the needs of companies operating in the markets,” explains the president of Veronafiere SpA, Federico Bricolo. “An evolution envisaged by the business plan with the aim of further strengthening the identity and centrality of the event, now recognized as a brand capable of driving the promotion of Italian wine internationally. The result of the extraordinary incoming campaign carried out this year projects us towards the Vinitaly of the future, a lever for the competitiveness and growth of this strategic sector of Made in Italy.”

Italian Wine & the World

This year in Verona, in addition to the well-established marketplaces of the USA and Canada – represented by a total of more than 200 top-demand clients – the 68 destination routes for Italian wine will also include 17 countries of Asia, led by China’s 130 top buyers, along with Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore. A further 12 countries from Central and South America will also be in attendance, with Brazil and Argentina in the lead, followed by nine African nations and 26 representations from Europe.

“We have implemented an exceptional investment program together with important economies of scale to strengthen, starting with this edition of Vinitaly, the panel of top buyers in Verona,” comments the CEO of the trade fair SpA, Maurizio Danese. “Ensuring business and new commercial opportunities for exhibiting companies is our first priority. We are working to launch new development models for a Vinitaly that is increasingly oriented towards international demand and has an efficient format.”

On the Floor at Vinitaly 2023

At the same time, on the more than 100,000 square meters of exhibition space between fixed pavilions and tent structures, the other two professional trade shows – Enolitech with Vinitaly Design and Sol&Agrifood with B/Open and Xcellent Beers – will also be held, bringing the total exhibition area in the district to more than 4,400 companies.

Serving as a prologue to the 55th International Wine and Spirits Exhibition is Vinitaly OperaWine, the super-tasting with the 130 flagship producers selected by Wine Spectator scheduled for Saturday, April 1st at the Ex Gallerie Mercatali, in front of the fairgrounds.

Also confirmed are the main thematic areas: Vinitaly Bio; International wine hall; Vinitaly Mixology; Micro Mega Wines curated by wine writer Ian D’agata with a focus on niche and limited edition productions; Taste and Buy, the matching with operators selected by the trade fair network in collaboration with the Consorzi di tutela; and Tasting Express with the most important international trade magazines.

More than 80 tastings are scheduled so far on the official event calendar that s constantly being updated on, starting with Vinitaly Grand Tastings over the four days of the event and ending with the walk around tasting of Gambero Rosso’s Tre Bicchieri 2023 on Sunday, April 2nd, and the Orange Wine Festival on April 3rd featuring top companies from 10 countries, as well as the Vinitaly Tasting – The DoctorWine Selection curated by Daniele Cernilli held from April 2nd-5th designed for buyers and horeca operators, and the Young to Young focuses, such as the three tasting sessions with ten young producers by Paolo Massobrio and Marco Gatti.

Wine Around Verona

The distinction between trade fair operators and wine lovers also continues. Dedicated to the latter is Vinitaly and the city, the itinerary of wine talks, tastings, exhibitions, and off-show events in the most representative places of the UNESCO World Heritage city: Piazza dei Signori, Cortile Mercato Vecchio, and Cortile del Tribunale. Scheduled from March 31st to April 3rd, Vinitaly and the city is organized by Veronafiere with the collaboration of the City of Verona, the Province of Verona, and Fondazione Cariverona.


Vinitaly 2023

Cucine d'Italia consiglia